Newborns often have irregular sleep patterns, which can be challenging for parents to steer. However, there are certain signs that may indicate it’s time to consider sleep training for your baby. Recognising these signs early can help establish healthy sleep habits for your little one. Knowing when to begin sleep training newborn can significantly improve both their sleep quality and your family’s overall well-being. Here are the 6 signs to watch out for:
Frequent night wakings:
One of the most common signs that your newborn might benefit from sleep training is frequent night wakings. If your baby wakes up multiple times throughout the night and struggles to fall back asleep without assistance, it could be a sign that they are not yet developing self-soothing techniques. Sleep training can help babies learn how to settle themselves back to sleep.
Difficulty falling asleep independently:
If your newborn relies on being rocked, held, or fed to sleep, it may indicate that they haven’t learned how to fall asleep on their own. Sleep training newborns can help babies establish the ability to fall asleep independently, making bedtime less stressful for both parents and baby.
Short sleep stretches during the night:
If your baby tends to sleep only in short stretches, waking up every 1-2 hours, it may be time to consider sleep training. By around 3-4 months, babies can start sleeping for longer periods. Training your newborn to sleep through the night can help them get more restful sleep and establish a more predictable routine.
Inconsistent daytime naps:
Another sign that your newborn might need sleep training is inconsistent daytime naps. If your baby is having trouble napping or doesn’t nap for long enough, this can lead to over-tiredness and poor nighttime sleep. Teaching your baby a consistent sleep schedule can help improve nap times and nighttime rest.
Difficulty establishing a bedtime routine:
A consistent bedtime routine is essential for setting expectations for sleep. If your baby struggles with transitioning into bedtime or fights sleep regularly, it may signal the need for a more structured approach. Sleep training newborns often involves developing a calm and consistent bedtime routine that signals it’s time to wind down.
Over-tiredness and fussiness:
If your baby becomes overly fussy or difficult to console, it may be a sign that they are not getting enough sleep. Over-tiredness can make it harder for babies to settle down at bedtime. Sleep training can help establish healthy sleep patterns, reducing the effects of overtiredness.